A festival of ideas for the future of culture - lead by circus
Today, the 1st of June, marks exactly six months until our New Horizons Leadership Summit (NHLS) in Lund, Sweden!
Centered around the role of circus as a leader on the frontier of cultural change and innovation, the summit seeks to bring together an international community of thinkers and doers shaping our collective future.
How does circus respond to contemporary urgencies, the shifting nature of work, new technologies and renewed questions about the responsibilities and capabilities of art in society? What strategies do some people already implement in their work that offer a glimpse into what the future might hold, and how we can navigate these big questions?
The summit will host seminars, workshops, discussions, performances, installations, networking opportunities and has two resident circus poets.
When: 1-3rd Dec 2022
Where: Lund, Sweden
NHLS is part of the Swedish Arts Grants Committees Circus Programme, produced by Cirkus Syd with Baltic Nordic Circus Network (BNCN) and an array of partners and associate partners including:
Baltic Nordic Circus Network (BNCN) Altitude Meetings (SE)
City Hall Lund
City of Lund
Stenkrossen Cultural Centre
Visit Lund
Riksteatern Lund
Riksteatern Skåne
Riga Circus (LV)
Acting for Climate (NO/SE)
Dynamo (DK)
Cirko Centre for New Circus (FI)
Silence Festival (FI)
Arts Printing House (LT)
Teatronas (LT)
Hringleikur (IS)
NHLP is funded by Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Region Skåne, City of Lund and co-founded by Creative Europe Programme and The Swedish Arts Council. Sign up to the mailing list to stay in the loop! Email info@cirkussyd.com to get involved. #NewHorizons2022