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Lediga tjänster
Här publicerar vi lediga tjänster och projektutlysningar
Senior Circus Technician & Rigger
Part-time, online, hours to be agreed
Deadline to apply: 14th of December 2023
More info and how to apply
Festival volontär
Mer info kommer!
Cirkus Syd kan ta emot prao-elever under både höst och vår-terminer.
Mejla och anmäl ditt intresse.
Praktik / Work experience
Cirkus Syd accepts those looking work experience during term time in producing, project management and communication with specific focus on international cooperation. Normally work experience is offered to those in higher education as part of their studies.
Email and tell us what type of work experience your'e interested in and why you're intrested in doing it with Cirkus Syd.
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