CS International
Cirkus Syd is an international NGO and a membership association based in Lund, Skåne, Sweden.
We work extensively in international projects and invite members to collaborate across the globe. As a previous host-organisation with Baltic Nordic Circus Network (2020-2022) we have an extensive network and expertise about Northern Europe.

New Horizons Leadership Programme (NHLP-EU)
New Horizons Leadership Programme "NHLP EU" is a Baltic-Nordic collaboration with European dimension which took place in 2023-2024, led by Cirkus Syd (SE), Rigas Cirks (LV), and DYNAMO (DK).
The vision for NHLP-EU is to strengthen the position of the circus field in Europe by supporting future leaders to acquire and develop skills and competencies for strong leadership.
Read more on newhorizonsleadership.com

Southern Sweden Circus Festival
The Nordic regions new international circus festival held its inaugural festival 6-15th of September 2024 with 10 days of festival in 11 municipalities across the southern region of Sweden - Skåne and attracted 16 000 audiences.
The festival is initiated by Cirkus Syd, Lund City and Malöm City and supported by an array of partners including Visit Skåne, Region of Skåne and the Swedish Arts Grants Committee.
Image to right by Anders Roos
See cirkussyd.com/sscf2024 for more info

Air - Nordic Residency Programme
The Air Nordic Residency Programme has been running since 2022 with support from Nordic Culture Point and the city of Lund in collaboration with Stenkrossen Cultural Centre. In residency we have hosted Acting for Climate, Mikkel Hobitz and Teatronas to create new work.
Residencies range from 1 to 6 weeks and the longer residencies also incoporate organisational development support for the companies attending.
Supported by Nordic Culture Point

Circus Thinkers Platform
Since 2020 the Circus Thinkers Platform has been active with weekly meetings to discuss and develop circus discourse and artistic thinking in circus within a global context.
The circus Thinkers group also produced 2 publications: Circus Thinkers Reflections and Circus Thinkers Conversations as well as a digital zine with explorations of Circus as sound dimension supported by Kulturbryggan.
You can check out the zine at Circosonic.net
The Circus Thinkers Conversation is available for purchase in our shop: cirkussyd.com/shop

Cross-residency programme with Montreal
Together with the Region of Skåne, Quebec Arts Council and Companie des Autres, Cirkus Syd has piloted a cross-residency programme in Montreal. One artist based in Skåne can travel to Montreal, Quebec between 2 and 6 weeks to attend Montreal Completement Cirque and have a residency to develop their own artistic work.
In 2024 the selected artist was Elsa Pakkasvirta specialising in vertical rope and climate action.
Image by Anders Roos.

Four Nations
International Circus Exchange
During 2024 Cirkus Syd has worked as the international collaborator to a new UK consortia funded by Arts Council Englands pilot funding; Four Nations.
International Circus Exchange is a new network of partners including Circus City, Summerhall, Circusful and Cirkus Syd, passionate about developing and nurturing contemporary circus. The network will come together to share knowledge, skills and expertise of working internationally within the following themes:
Advocacy and Fundraising – exploring Circus’ innate ability to bring people together and its collaborative practice and culture as an agent for democratic participation
Improving Access, Inclusion and Diversity at all levels – including accessibility for artists and audiences
Co-commissioning and presenting work – exploring how we can pool resources to ensure artists have sustainable routes to create and present work.
Mobility – exploring new sustainable ways to connect geographically and reach new audiences.